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All posts tagged with label Google

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Wer verwendet meine E-Mailadresse zum Wiederherstellen von Google Konten?

Immer wieder lese ich im Internet über die Sicherheit von Konten, die Verwendung von guten und nicht sich wiederholenden Passwörtern, das Anlegen von Sicherheitsfragen und die Anmeldung in zwei Schritten. Was bringt das alles, wenn man ein Konto über eine Wiederherstellungs-E-Mailadresse wieder herstellen kann, und diese E-Mailadresse dem Benutzer gar nicht gehört?

Posted by Michael Schwarz on Monday, April 8, 2013

Google Chrome Crawls HTTPS Content – Where is my privacy?

Yesterday I was playing around with Google Chrome [1]. Yes, it is a very simple UI and I love this. One of my comments at the IE8 roundtable in Berlin was that I would like to get all the options and configuration dialogs replaced by a HTML page inside the browser (similar to about:config). Well, when playing with the history search which looks really cool I noticed that Google crawls all my content. It doesn’t matter if you are using http or https.

Posted by Michael Schwarz on Friday, September 5, 2008

Google Chrome now available

dlpage_lg Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.

Posted by Michael Schwarz on Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Google Chrome – Some Links

Google_Chrome_Logo Google has announced their own Web browser called Google Chrome, the Browser War 2.0 has been started. Here are some useful links:

Posted by Michael Schwarz on Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Browser War 2.0

logo_sm Yesterday Google announced [1] that they are working on a own Web browser. The first beta version will be available for Windows today in more than 100 countires, Mac and Linux versions are coming soon. An official starting point could be http://www.google.com/chrome [2] as it returns an http error 404 instead of a simple redirect to the Google search.

Posted by Michael Schwarz on Tuesday, September 2, 2008

How do I hack a web site?

On next Tuesday I will talk at the .NET User Group in Munich / Germany [1] about following topics:

Posted by Michael Schwarz on Wednesday, January 10, 2007

DotNetPro’s Search Engine Spam

My friend Philipp Lenssen [1] wrotes some days ago about the German magazine DotNetPro which offers different html output when Google's crawler is fetching the site.

Posted by Michael Schwarz on Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Pending Members - Google Groups XSS Bug [Part 1]

During the weekend I found an script error on the Google pending members web page. Because I was using the new Google groups beta interface I didn't looked on it. But today the script error still occurs and I noticed the same error on the older version, too. I had a look inside the generated html output and found that there was a script tag that was not closed, ah, it was a membership request message.

Posted by Michael Schwarz on Monday, December 4, 2006

Google Search for AjaxPro

Google offers a new search engine service that can be personalized. I have created a first test that will only return results for AjaxPro (hopefully):

Posted by Michael Schwarz on Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Google Search for Source Code

Google offers a great way to search for source code: http://www.google.com/codesearch [1]. If you search for RegisterTypeForAjax [2] (which is the method to create the JavaScript proxies for AjaxPro [3]) you will find a lot of examples:

Posted by Michael Schwarz on Thursday, October 5, 2006

AjaxPro at Google Groups with more than 4.000 members

Today the Ajax.NET Professional Google group [1] has reach the 4.000 member border. I did a search for AJAX [2] for all the Google groups available and was very happy to see my group at the second top position. Only Google with the Google Web Toolkit hits this group with additional 500 more members.

Posted by Michael Schwarz on Thursday, September 21, 2006

AjaxPro, GPS, Windows Mobile 5 and Google Maps

While I was on a busines trip I started to write a small application that is using the Windows Mobile 5 GPS API to get the current location. After this I build a small web server that was running on the Windows Mobile device to offer a small web application that will show the current position on the Google Map, very funny application. I hope I can fix some bugs when there is no signal. The next step was to get a list of available wireless networks at the current location, added some pushpins to the Google map and... the result is a own map of wireless access points.

Posted by Michael Schwarz on Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Google talk and "Binary and script behaviors"

Today I found something interesting when using different security in Internet Explorer settings. If Binary and script behaviors is disabled in internet sercurity settings Google talk user images are not displayed. Hm, didn't know that Internet Explorer settings will change user expierience of Google talk.

Posted by Michael Schwarz on Monday, July 3, 2006

Google Trends, very interessting...

Without any comment, have a look at these images from Google Trends LABS:

Posted by Michael Schwarz on Thursday, May 11, 2006

[OT] Interesting Google Search

Today I got an error message in .NET 2.0 ("Failed to start monitoring changes to...", error code -2147023570). Try to search for this error code with Google you will get a funny result: Click here [1]. I could only get the root page of all the domains, no page could be found that was not the default web server page, no file in a subfolder. In the top you will ses that there are about 9.670.000.000 including this number. You can find this number if you click on the cached version of the search result, the url of the cached item will look like this:

Posted by Michael Schwarz on Monday, March 6, 2006