Ajax.NET Source Code moved to SediSys

Michael Schwarz on Friday, August 5, 2005

Since the day before yesterday SediSys (http://www.sedisys.com [1]) is the new owner of the source code for the Ajax.NET library. SediSys will make the source code be available as an Open Source Project. Hopefully we can make the Ajax.NET library together a powerful AJAX related free library.

As you could read in my last blogs I am in contact with the Web Platform Team (Microsoft/Redmond). Jonathan Hawkins showed me some PowerPoint slides and first demos including the source code during our conference call on Tuesday. I was impressed of what they have build already and how easy it seems to be used. If you have someting you are missing in the Ajax.NET library, or you have a must built-in feature/idea for Atlas please give me feedback. I'm currently going through my inbox to collect all feedback I got in the last two months.

For those of you that are interested: I will be at the PDC 05 in Los Angeles, too!
