As you may have read on my blog I have added an animation to the gear example [1] from Mike Harsh. Now, the gear community is here! Read Bryant Likes's Blog [2] post about the gears:
First the SDK team created an article about generating reflections in WPF/E [3]. Then today I read via [Mike Harsh [4]] about Michael Schwarz [5] extending the example to include an animation [1]. I also read in Mike's post about the WPF/E google group [6] (joined!) and in the group I read Dave Campbell [7]'s post about extending the example further to roll the gear across the screen [8]. I couldn't help myself and I took it one step further and gave the rolling motion a little twist so that it looks like the wheel accelerates and hits a wall.
Read the full post about the extended example... [9]
What comes next with the gear example? Mike, thank you for your initial example... ;)